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Cardinals Care 6K

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The CARDINALS CARE 6K is a unique event that celebrates legendary Hall of Famer, the late Stan Musial and supports the charitable endeavors of Cardinals Care, the St. Louis Cardinals community foundation, whose mission is “CARING FOR KIDS”. Since its inception in 1997, Cardinals Care has distributed over $18 million through cash grants, building youth ball fields, and funding Redbird Rookies, a youth baseball and development program. This is all made possible by your generosity.

Your support of CARDINALS CARE 6K will help to ensure that thousands of underserved children in the St. Louis community are afforded opportunities they might not otherwise experience. As Cardinals Care strives to increase its commitment to the betterment of the community, your contribution will make certain it has an even greater impact on St. Louis area youth.

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Terry Sauceda
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Years Running1
Race NameCardinals Care 6K
Race LocationSt Louis, MO
Race Date9/13/15
Race Distance6 K
Age Graded37.17% 
Finish Time51:53
Division Place35 of 48
Overall Place390 of 504
Web Site Linkhttp://www.cardinalscare.org/CardinalsCa...

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