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Presidio Challenge

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This is the most challenging XC race on the PAUSATF circuit...Very hilly course with steep climbs, including a deep sand pit with 8 logs on a steep hill...an out-&-back course means doing sand pit twice.

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Kat Powell
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Years Running20
Race NamePresidio Challenge
Race LocationSan Francisco
Race Date10/4/14
Race Distance5K
Age Graded64.97% 
Finish Time30:44
Division Place1
Overall Place91
Web Site Linkhttp://www.pausatf.org/data/2014/XCPRE20...

Notes: Hit the uphill sand pit and really slowed down to about a crawl...stepped over or went around the logs on the way up, but was able to run down hill in sand and jump over the logs. However, I tripped on one of the logs and fell into the sand...got right back up and finished...was surprised to get first place in my age group since 3 of the ladies in that group were just 60 years old.

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Double Road Race