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San Francisco Nike Half Marathon

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Started in SF financial District with gentle down slop; followed along the waterfront past Chrissy Field, where I encountered first hill with easy downslope; then came the tough hills that SF is noted for; final downslope was long and gentle down to the ocean.

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Phyllis Karsten
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Years Running5
Race NameSan Francisco Nike Half Marathon
Race LocationSan Francisco
Race Date10/20/13
Race Distance1/2 Marathon
Age Graded67.56% 
Finish Time3:52:00
DivisionW80 - 89
Division Place2/2
Overall Place25169
Web Site Linkhttp://www.nike.com/events/register/weru...

Notes: When I saw the 10 mile marker, I thought, "Oh man, three more miles, and am I ever tired." The I got to thinking, " wait a minute - that's just 5K. I've done many 5K races. I can do it." So my mantra to the end was, "It's just another 5K race." I crossed the finish line with a smile and had some energy left to be able to run the last 25 yards.

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