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Previous Race: Bob Anderson 15k Challenge
GO FOR IT! Race Listing
Race NameScotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon
Total UjENA FIT Dollars$ 0.00
Race LocationToronto, Ontario
Race Date10/16/16
Race Distance1/2 Marathon

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EventWinner NameAgeTimePlaceFIT Dollars
run "Thank you! It was a flat, fast, and really fun course despite the rain in the first few kilometres! So many supporters came out and really helped me push through the last bit of the course. There are also many well-spaced water/gatorade stops throughout, and the kilometre markings were very visible. I would definitely recommend running it in the future!"
Stephanie Lau 10/21/16 7:41 pm
run "Congrats! This is a half I would like to run someday. How did you like the course?"
Bob Anderson 10/17/16 11:22 am

UjENA FIT Club Photo Gallery · STWM 2016

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Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon

The 25th annual Toronto Waterfront Marathon was held Oct 16, 2016.  It is a fast course.   The winning time was 2;08:25.

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#304 STWM 2016

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